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The Art of Lawmaking: Understanding the State Legislative Process Symposium
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Call for Papers for the South Dakota Law Review’s

The Art of Lawmaking: Understanding the State Legislative Process Symposium


The South Dakota Law Review seeks article proposals, speakers, and panel participants for a symposium on issues related to the State Legislative Process. The symposium will be held in Vermillion, South Dakota, on September 26 and 27, 2024.


Abstracts of 300-500 words are due June 21, 2024.


The editors seek articles and speakers that address one or more of the following topics, or other related topics:


  1. The 100th South Dakota Legislative Session
  2. Lobbying
  3. The Process and Politics of Bicameralism & Presentment
  4. Legislative Drafting & Interpretation
  5. Ballot Initiatives & Referendums
  6. Municipalities and Their Relationship to the Legislative Process
  7. Eminent Domain & Land Takings, Pipelines, & the Effects on Farmers and Other Landowners
  8. Legislative Effects on Rural vs. Urban communities
  9. The Tribal Legislative Process and/or Tribal Relations with State Politics
  10. Amending the South Dakota Uniform Commercial Code and Other Uniform Laws  
  11. Other issues relating to State Legislative Politics and/or the South Dakota Legislature


The editors actively seek diverse viewpoints and diverse scholarly approaches, including articles with historical or comparative features.


In your proposal, please indicate whether you would be interested in (1) publishing your topic, (2) speaking at the symposium, or (3) both. Priority will be given to proposals where the contributor expects to both publish and speak at our in-person event, although we will consider other proposals.


The Call for Papers opens today with abstracts due on June 21, 2024. Please send abstracts to the Symposium Editor, Vincent C. Tarallo, at Selected contributors will be notified by July 8, 2024. Finished articles will be due Monday, December 1, 2024. Our editors will work with you over the winter of 2024-25 to prepare your work for publication. The symposium volume will be published and released in the summer of 2025.


For more information on the South Dakota Law Review Symposium please visit: