Please see the attached PDF.
We invite the submission of abstracts including but not limited to topics falling within the following domains:
- An analysis of the birth of bioethics and the heritage of Van Rensselaer Potter;
- Our responsibilities towards future generations in the Anthropocene era;
- The necessity of an eco-centric approach in international law;
- The relevance of the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights in light of the major environmental and health challenges;
- The relevance of the European Convention on Biomedicine in light of the major environmental and health challenges;
- The role of genetic engineering in reshaping modern bioethics;
- Social justice and inter-generational equity in the Anthropocene era;
- Ethics and responsibilities in the Anthropocene Biosphere
- the risks and opportunities for collectivism and non-speciesism in the Anthropocene Biosphere.
- One health in the Anthropocene Biosphere