Calling All Papers!

A blog provided by the University of Georgia School of Law Library compiling calls for papers for conferences and symposiums.

Neurotechnology and AI: Exploring Legal and Governance Frontiers
Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
In Person

Call for Papers

Academics, researchers, students and professionals are kindly invited to submit papers for the 20th IDP (Internet, Law and Politics) Conference: Neurotechnology and AI: exploring legal and governance frontiers, on topics related to the use, impact and regulation of neurotechnology, from the perspective of one or more of the following thematic axes: legal, political science, criminology or international relations, and from various theoretical and methodological perspectives.

As an example and without exhaustive intent, possible topics for papers are indicated as follows:

  • Human rights and neurotechnology.
  • Potential and limitations to address the challenges of neurotechnology on human rights such as physical and mental integrity, privacy and freedom of thought.
  • Ethical and legal dilemmas regarding informed consent in the use of neurotechnological devices, especially regarding vulnerable groups.
  • Current regulatory frameworks and legal gaps in the relationship between neurotechnology and AI.
  • Challenges in the regulation of hybrid neurotechnology and artificial intelligence systems.
  • Ethical governance and transparency in the neurotechnology industry.
  • Consumer protection against subliminal and manipulative techniques.
  • Neuromarketing and the right to privacy.
  • Civil liability for damages arising from neurotechnologies.
  • Neurotechnology and State surveillance: legal limits and protection against abuse of power.
  • Possibilities and risks of the use of neurotechnologies by States in contexts of security and social control.
  • Manipulation of electoral processes through neurotechnology and AI.
  • Using neurocognitive technologies to influence public opinion: ethical and legal dilemmas.
  • Risks of concentration of power in private or state actors with access to neural data for political purposes.
  • Neurotechnology and the erosion of democratic values: privacy, autonomy and citizen participation.
  • Use of polygraphs and other neurotechnologies in judicial proceedings: scientific validity and ethical limits.
  • Legal implications of using neurotechnology to assess recidivism risks or predict criminal behavior.
  • Neurotechnology as a tool for criminal rehabilitation: balance between innovation and fundamental rights.
  • Challenges and opportunities of applying neurotechnologies and AI in the criminal justice system.
  • Regulation of the use of neurotechnology to evaluate and improve workers performance.
  • Legal and ethical limits to cognitive monitoring in the workplace.
  • Protection against discrimination and abuse of neurotechnological technologies in employment.
  • Legal implications of the use of neurotechnology in video games, virtual reality and entertainment.
  • Protecting consumers from risks associated with recreational neurotechnology devices.
  • The role of international organizations in the regulation of neurotechnology.
  • Comparative experiences of regulation and protection in different regions of the world.
  • International regulatory instruments to address the cross-border impact of neurotechnologies.

We suggest interested individuals to contact the organization at their earliest convenience to express their interest and confirm if the paper they wish to submit fits the theme of the congress. To do so, they can send an email to with a brief summary of the paper they would like to submit, of no more than 200 words. A response confirming whether the proposal fits the Congress will be provided as soon as possible.

The deadline to submit the complete paper is APRIL 7, 2025.

Papers should be sumitted to the email address The email should specify "2025 IDP Conference Paper" as the subject and include the name of the first author. The message should include the following information:

- Name and email of the author(s).\

  • Brief biography of the author(s).\
  • Area(s) of expertise.\
  • University, institution, or affiliation.\
  • Thematic axis or axes to which the paper belongs (law, political science, criminology, or international relations).\
  • The complete text of the paper, which must adhere to this TEMPLATE. The text of the paper may be in English, Spanish or Catalan. Excluding the abstract, keywords, bibliography, and notes, the maximum length of the paper should not exceed 5,000 words (a limit that will be strictly enforced at the time of acceptance).

On May 7, 2025, the scientific committee will inform the authors whether the paper has been accepted by the evaluation committee. Those papers that have been accepted and that have complied with the template available on this website will be included in the publication resulting from the conference. The authors will also be informed whether, in addition to being included in the publication, the paper has been selected for oral and in-person presentation at the conference by its authors.

A proceedings book of the Conference will be published in an open access digital edition.

The conference will be held at the headquarters of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya in Rambla del Poblenou 156, 08018 Barcelona, room C0.6 (C building, HUB). There will be no live streaming, but the conference will be recorded and made available later on. Papers may be submitted in English, Spanish or Catalan, and, if selected, will be presented orally in the language in which they are written.