Calling All Papers!

A blog provided by the University of Georgia School of Law Library compiling calls for papers for conferences and symposiums.

NOTE: This event ended 8 days ago.
19th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law
European Society of International Law
Event Start
Event End
In Person


Technological changes and scientific discoveries have been transforming societies, social structures and values. Our theme invites participants to reflect on how recent technological advances transform the international community and the main pillars of international law. How, if at all, is new technology changing our perception and practices of international law? What were past international legal responses to technological change? When and how can we regulate new technology at the international level, if at all? Which new technologies need to be regulated at the international level?

The conference will start with a key dialogue about Europe’s place in this new technological world. Six fora will discuss a range of topics from “Race as Technology”, “A new theory of (human) rights adapted to governance by data” to “Technologies of Warfare” and “Peace and Security in a Digital Age”.


Selection Criteria

The abstracts will be assessed by the programme committee, which consists of the agora Chair, plus representatives from the ESIL Board and the host institution, on the basis of:

  • Originality and innovative nature of the work;
  • Originality and innovative nature of presentation (e.g. videos, animation, installations, etc.);
  • Relevance to one of the agora themes;
  • Diversity criteria, in accordance with the ESIL Statement of Principles on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (
  • We welcome proposals in French or English.

Only one abstract per author will be considered.

Joint submissions are possible, but a reduced registration fee is applicable to only one of the selected speakers.

In an attempt to ensure a broad range of speakers at ESIL events, we particularly encourage proposals from scholars who have not spoken at previous events. Submissions from those who were selected speakers at the most recent Annual Conference or Research Forum will be regarded as ineligible.

Information to be Included

Proposals must be sent via email to Proposals can also be send by filling in this template. The following information must be included:

  • The agora for which the paper should be considered (one agora only);
  • An abstract, not exceeding 500 words, plus a short biography (100 words) to be included with the abstract;
  • The author’s name and affiliation;
  • The author’s contact details, including email address and phone number;
  • The author’s CV, including a list of relevant publications (max. 800 words) (please note: the CV is consulted at a second stage, after review of the abstract, so as to ensure a balanced panel in line with the ESIL principles in relation to diversity, equality and inclusion);
  • Whether the author is a current ESIL member;
  • Whether the abstract should be considered for the ESIL Early-Career Scholar Prize (see below) and, if so, the relevant information (about eligibility and ESIL membership).